Tuesday, February 27, 2007

no time like this time

its been a while since i posted but thats because i had to go back home(to get some medicines and to make me homework....yuk,homework>_<)but when i finally got back,i started at relto yet again.i wanted to look in the hood,but before i went there,i noticed that all of my pages and books were gone (again).and i cant enter them books anymore,as if they arent accepting me :( i could still go to all of the hoods and nexus,but when i entered the hood,i saw 2 movies on the imager.i asked an Reseng about it and he said : We dont know. but luckly i met a "nerd"(that was how he called himself)and he explained that it was linked to the net,which is weird,because they dont have internet there!are the D'ni that advanced? and i also met a weird man,all he said was:it looks like a giant kitchen counter... and: im not wearing stuff today!i took a pic but i let him put a jacket on first....what a werid guy that was *cowers in fear* anyways,heres one movie...i didnt make them but since the weirdness ill post them anyway...now only the first one though(have to do the rest later,no time now :D):

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