Now that its been a while since the scream now,and everything seems to be the way it was,i went to look around with my buddies.The hood is completly accesible with a working heektable,telescope and 2 imagers,the city is almoast done(only the library has to be done),and we got a new age:Eder Delin.we explored there and after a while we found a new page.It gave us a bench on our relto.Someone in the city told my buddy that there will be some new data in the city tomorrow(but not the library :( ).
But after hearing that,i realize:i need a vacation.maybe 1 or 2 days,not more that 14 atleast :D.So im leaving my KI at my reltobench (i still have my Email though) and ill use my Cleft-book to have a nice break with Zandi.Talking about Zandi……Wasnt he on M*A*S*H?? Anyway,send me an email if you need me viv!