well here i am again,unfortunatly with an empty Relto again....but the good news is that the DRC hasgiving me a new Explorerlicense!the last one expired because the Cavern reopened......but i took me first glimpse of Steve!i even took a picture of it :)

anyway,i have to restart the whole Journey again but im cool with that because now i can see all of the new ages with me buddy ViV :)when i wasnt an Explorer it was REAAAAALLY and i mean REAAAAAAAAALLY boring without him :( but another good thing is that MAYBE youll see his messages on me blog because im giving HIM and only HIM permission (except for Tel but i dont know if shes got a blog herself:( )
anyway,im saying bye for both of us so...bye! *waves*

greetings from ViV and Kev